what is shutter in camera

                                   what is shutter in camera

Shutter speed exists because of something known as yourcamera shutter — which, simply put, is a curtain in front of the camera sensor that stays closed until the camera fires. When the camera fires, the shutter opens and fully exposes the camera sensor to the light that has passed through your lens                                                                                                                                   kind of shutter

  1. leaf shuttter
  2. focal plane shutter

A leaf shutter is a shutter as found in certain cameras, using of a small number of identical overlapping metal blades, called the leaves, to open and close in order to expose a photograph. It is usually placed near the iris within the camera lens. The leaves are arranged in a circular pattern, suitably pivoted near the housing periphery, and made to move in a rapid oscillating fashion such that they together uncover the common central area for a predetermined period of time, enabling a picture to be taken. The shutter mechanism is governed by a clockwork mechanism and powered by a strong spring tensioned by setting the shutter before each exposure. The delay between opening and closing the blades determines the exposure time which usually may be adjustable within a limited range for the photographer to choose from. The shutter may be equipped with a delay action which, when set and released, triggers the shutter after a short period of time, in the region of 10 seconds. A threaded socket may also be present for attaching a wire release for the photographer’s convenience.

old shutter of a Contaflex, image by bomobob
The leaf shutter allows synchronising flash at every available shutter speed, because the whole picture area is exposed simultaneously, which is not always the case using the focal plane shutter.

Most leaf shutters for folding cameras have two thread mounts for the the lenses, one in the front side and one in the back. The reason is that most of these shutters have a built-in iris diaphragm. The lenses for these cameras are two-part lenses, each part delivered in an own lens barrel with thread. The reason is that the lenses work best when the diaphragm is placed between certain elements of the lens. This construction allowed also the concept of convertible lenses.

The manufacture of leaf shutters is highly specialized, and usually not made by the camera makers them selves. Common types of shutters are the German Compur and Prontor, and the Japanese Copal and Seikosha.

Depending on the way the shutter is arranged with respect to the lens, it is referred to as "between-lens" or "behind the lens" shutter.
                                                        Focal  plane shutter

focal  plane shutter:  In camera design, a focal-plane shutter (FPS) is a type of photographic shutter that is positioned immediately in front of the focal plane of the camera, that is, right in front of the photographic film or image sensor.
